Online Consultations

Access expert training advice and support through our convenient online consultations. Enjoy the flexibility of tailored guidance from the comfort of your home. These sessions are perfect for addressing minor behavioural issues and general training advice, ensuring your dog gets the help they need wherever you are.

Online or On-Premesis

By Appointment

1 hour


Online Consultation Overview

About Online Consultations

Our online consultations offer expert training advice and support from the comfort of your home. These sessions are convenient and flexible, tailored to your dog’s specific needs, and perfect for addressing minor behavioral issues and general training advice.

Who are these for

Ideal for owners who prefer remote guidance or cannot attend in-person sessions. Suitable for all ages and breeds, these consultations are great for addressing minor issues and gaining valuable training insights.

What your dog could learn

Online Consultation Details


Owners need a stable internet connection, a device with a camera and microphone, and a quiet space for the session. Have treats and a leash ready for demonstrations.


Online Consultations cost €40 per hour.


Each consultation lasts one hour, and the frequency depends on the client’s needs.

Book an Online Consultation

To book an online consultation, please contact us.


Prepare a list of questions or concerns before the session. Consistency in applying the advice given during the consultation is crucial for the best results. Regular follow-up sessions can help track progress and adjust the training plan as needed.

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